We are Biblical. We believe in the infallibility and divine authority of the Bible. Consequently, we believe the Bible is a faithful and true guide as to who God is, who we are, and how we should live.
We are evangelistic. This means that we are earnest about Christ’s commandment to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Without compromising the sovereignty of God, we affirm the responsibility of each person to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and our responsibility to extend the Gospel invitation to all. Come and drink freely of the water of everlasting life!
We are Reformed. The word “Reformed” can be defined simply in two ways: 1) It is a reference to our historical link to the Reformation of the 16th century and intends to describe us as the heirs of that tradition which comes from Luther, Calvin, Knox and other reformers. 2) The word “Reformed” is used most commonly to refer to certain theological distinctives which have marked reformation believers, particularly those in the Calvinist tradition.
These distincitives can be summarized by our glad affirmation of the responsibility of every person to repent and believe, and that it is God who, by His sovereign electing grace, draws men and women, otherwise dead in sin, to faith in His Son. By this faith alone are God’s people justified.
Reformed distinctives include the sovereignty of God in His creation, providence and election of believers apart from any merit of their own; the irresistible grace of God provided for and preceding the faith of the individual; the sufficiency of God’s grace apart from which man is dead in sin and wholly defiled in all his faculties of soul and body; the efficacy of Christ’s death for all those who believe in Him by grace; the safe-guarding of all those for whom Christ died for eternal life.
We seek to hold to our reformed convictions humbly, recognizing the sincerity and earnestness of Godly men and women who have other positions.
We are confessional. This means we have a written confession of faith. Our confession consists of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, which faithful men developed through much careful prayer and thought, as well as persecution and struggle. While these documents are not without flaw, we believe they do contain carefully worded summaries of the Bible’s teachings.
We are covenantal. To say we are covenantal means we believe that the unifying principle of the Scriptures is the one covenant of grace that God made with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and finally, and most importantly, in Jesus Christ. To speak of the unity of the covenants means that there is one way and one way only to salvation in both Old and New Testaments-that is, by faith alone in Jesus Christ. This covenantal understanding of the Bible is in distinction from any system of organizing the Scriptures which would attribute differing ways of salvation to a succession of historical Biblical eras.
We are Kingdom-centered. We believe that the Kingdom of God is a present reality, and that God is working today to extend His Kingdom among men. This means we hold that God reigns supreme over all the affairs of men, that we are called to honor and glorify Him in all our endeavors, and that we exist as a church to extend Christ’s transforming presence.
We are pastoral. Our church pastors and elders are committed to faithfully shepherding, teaching, correcting, encouraging and, where necessary, disciplining our members.
We are Presbyterian. This refers to our form of governance. Our form of governance calls for our church and all others in our denomination to be ruled by elders who are themselves subject to a larger assembly known as the General Assembly. We believe that this is the truly Biblical form of church governance.
We are PCA. This means that our church belongs to a denomination known as the Presbyterian Church in America, a relatively recent and conservative offspring of the largest and oldest Presbyterian denomination.