Bible Studies

Ladies’ Bible Studies

Please email Alyson Averitt at if you have any questions or to sign up.

Men’s Bible Studies

Young Adults Men’s Study – “Gentle & Lowly” by Dane Ortlund

Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at PPC (beginning January 15)

Led by Chris Bennett (

Who is Jesus at his core? Christians often reflect on what Jesus has done, but what does the Bible reveal about who he is and his deepest heart for sinners and sufferers today? Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart.” This Spring, join us for a transformative book study of Dane Ortlund’s Gentle & Lowly, where we’ll explore the tender and compassionate heart of our Savior.
1-3 John

Wednesdays from 12 to 1 p.m., at PPC (Beginning January 22)

* Lunch is provided.

Led by Nate Libby (

The letters of 1-3 John are packed with practical wisdom on living out the Christian Life in a fallen world. John challenges believers to hold fast to truth, love deeply, and live with integrity in the face of temptation. This study will dig into what it means to walk in the light of God’s truth, love others well, and build a community that reflects Christ.
Friday Morning Men’s Study

Fridays at 7 a.m. at PPC (eginning January 19)

Led by Bobby Cardone, Chuck Hendricks, and Christopher Norfleet

Join us on Friday mornings as we read “The Lord of Psalm 23” by David Gibson and discuss how this Psalm points us to Jesus as our Shepherd, Companion and Host. Please contact Bobby at if you have any questions and to be put on the email list. Please contact Bobby Cardone at if you have any questions and to be put on the email list.

Youth Studies

This semester, we are looking forward to various Bible studies and gatherings for both our middle school and our high school students! If you have youth (6th- 12th grade) who would like to participate, and you would like to know more, please email Nate Libby at ( ).

Book your tickets