Bible Studies
Ladies’ Bible Studies
Please email Alyson Averitt at if you have any questions or to sign up.Men’s Bible Studies
Young Adults Men’s Study – 1 & 2 Kings: A Royal Mess Wednesdays from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at PPC Led by Chris Bennett ( From Solomon’s reign to the fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile, 1 & 2 Kings tell a story of division, decline, and destruction. By the end, God’s people are left questioning whether He is still in control. The answer we will uncover is just as relevant today as it was then. Join us as we explore these books and discover the God of history, whose purposes cannot be thwarted.2 Samuel Wednesdays from 12 to 1 p.m., at PPC * Lunch is provided. Led by Nate Libby ( Well over five hundred years before the recorded events of Joshua, God pledged to Abraham that, “To your offspring I will give this land” (Gen 12:7). The land to which he referred was the land of Canaan and it’s this promise of land that is picked up in the opening verses of Joshua. As time passes and anticipation builds, God’s people are left to wonder whether God’s word still stands. The book of Joshua gives us the answer and the answer is just as relevant now as it was then.
Friday Morning Men’s Study Fridays at 7 a.m. at PPC Led by Bobby Cardone, Chuck Hendricks, and Christopher Norfleet Join us on Friday mornings for Bible study and fellowship. Come and be encouraged as we study and grow in our faith together. We will finish our study on Acts and then move on to another study Please contact Bobby Cardone at if you have any questions and to be put on the email list.