Upcoming Sunday School Break
Providence will break from Sunday School next Sunday, March 9, and the following Sunday, March 16. All classes will resume on Sunday, March 23.2025 Vacation Bible School – Save the Date!
Providence is partnering with Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCPC), Mercy Presbyterian Church, and New St. Peter’s for Vacation Bible School (VBS). VBS will take place at PCPC from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Tuesday, June 3, through Friday, June 6. Children aged 5 by September 1 through rising 4th graders, as well as volunteers (middle school, high school, and adult), are invited to participate. A nursery and preschool program will also be available for volunteers’ children. More details about registration will be coming soon. If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Breed (childernsministry@providencedallas.com).